Friday, March 7, 2008

How big is baby?

Today Jackson and I ventured out to my doctor (located almost on the coast in Moreton Bay -- this is what you get in a private/public healthcare scenario). Jackson watched as the doctor used his tape measure to estimate how big the baby was. When we got home, Jackson was playing with the little measuring tape in his Black & Decker toolbox. I asked him if that is what the doctor used this morning.

"Yeahm," he said.

"Can you measure the baby?" I asked.

He put the measure on his little belly button and said yes, confirming what I had thought all along -- that he thinks this "baby" we keep talking about is actually a belly button and of course it is not just mommy who has one.


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear your house hunting is one step further. Think you are smart to not get too excited until you have the keys and see the moving van in the street to unload. We can just see our little man measuring his belly button and saying N-Oooooo. Can't wait to see him. Someday you will look back at all of this and marvel at how you did it all--pack up, say good-bye, fly forever, house hunt, car shop, and oh, yes, have a new baby!!!!! Our love to you all!!! Mom and Dad P

Anonymous said...

Hi Parker crew! What a great idea to start this blog! I love the stories...what an adventure! :)

We were talking about Jackson the other day and Coop said "go see him??" Jackson's buddies miss him too!

Sending love and hugs..

Jen K