Thursday, December 3, 2009

Spreading good news!

Jackson's preschool class made the historic trek to Bethlehem today, dressed as shepards. ("Let's go to Bethlehem to pay our taxes!" Jackson keeps telling me, even though his line for their upcoming Christmas program is "Let's go to Bethlehem to see the baby!" Stay tuned for the outcome of that one.) His little class was truly, truly adorable as they told everyone in the foyer they were going to see baby Jesus. They searched until they found the barn and the manager -- a nativity displayed in the hall. Once they found it, they kneeled and said a prayer, posed for a group picture, and then told everyone the good news -- baby Jesus is born!

You'll see from the pictures Maeve actually believes she is part of the class, and her very kind brother catered to this, holding her hand and leading her around. There were a few tears when mom made her stay out of the class photo. Oh, the woe of the younger sibling! I get it, babe, I do.

It was an exciting and touching morning and made for an absolutely precious memory.