Thursday, March 6, 2008


Jackson experienced a rite of passage today. We were at the park, with his beloved excavator and dump truck. He was playing one of his favorite games of 'get my hands dirty so I can use the water facet to clean them and then play in the water faucet much longer than necessary.' Today there were many people around and because everyone in Brisbane in conscious about water usage (and we should be too as good citizens), I decided he shouldn't play in the water and very firmly held the faucet closed and the conversation went . . .

Me: "No. We aren't playing in the water." (Such the disciplinarian.)
Jackson: "Nooo. N-Oooo. N-Oooo. Noooo."

Yep, he was mimicking something I had said to him a few weeks ago. And it shall only get better from here!

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