Sunday, November 2, 2008

Aussie Halloween

We had a great, celebrated Halloween in a country that doesn't officially recognize it. Although some Australians take a 'it's not our holiday' approach, it seems a growing majority are realizing it is nothing more than a chance to spend more money and eat more sugar. What could suit their 'no worries' philosophy better? 

For the second year, the shops in our neighborhood offered trick-or-treating so we seized the opportunity. Maeve was a ballerina; Jackson was a baseball player, although we're not sure how many people actually understood that costume. There were lots of witches, pirates and the likes roaming the streets, so Jackson wasn't so sure what to think at first. But he is no fool, and quickly warmed up to the idea of taking candy from anyone who was offering. Maeve and Jackson had fun surveying the loot together once we got home. (Somehow Maeve ended up smelling like chocolate.) 

Thanks to the local fruit stand, we were also able to carve a traditional looking pumpkin. We picked one of four at the price of $18. Unfortunately, it only lasted one night as some critter got into it over night. We can be pretty sure it wasn't a squirrel, as was always the case in Illinois, so now our imaginations are left to work . . . possum, kangaroo, poisonous snake? 

Our neighbors on both sides were so kind to think of Jackson and Maeve and honored their American holiday -- it was really great. I just wish we had a few more trick-or-treaters knock on our door . . . instead Drew's office will have the opportunity for a sugar rush come Monday morning. 


Anonymous said...

Probably was a 'roo that ate that pumpkin. Not a lot of people know, but 'roos HATE Halloween (and pirates). But they LOVE boxing. Go figure.


Leisa said...

Jackson is looking so old! He's not a baby anymore!