Wednesday, June 4, 2008


We are implementing a new bedtime initiative at our house. I have come to the conclusion, however, that Jackson sees this new routine only as a challenge to the limits of his creativity. Following are some reasons he has presented as grounds for getting out of his bedroom.

-- "Too hot here."
-- "Too cold here."
-- "Can't find it. Cold night-night." This time he couldn't find his favorite blanket (the one he calls "cold night-night"). The blanket reported missing was later found by mommy. It had been planted in another bedroom downstairs by Jackson. Of course, Jackson first searched the house repeating, "Hmm. Nope." as he went from room to room.
-- "New pants. Too tight."
-- "Mommy make cookies."
-- "New shirt."
-- "Maever wake up."
-- "Change it. New one." (Change his diaper.)
-- "Juice." (We're not this stupid!)
-- "Fan. Broke it."
-- "Can't reach it." (This was in reference to some Thomas the Train catalogs in his top dresser drawer. With the help of a shelving unit, a few thuds later Jackson was able to get these flyers out of the drawer, but not before placing a nice, big scratch on the wall. Thank God he didn't hurt himself!)
-- "Fan. Broke it." (Take two.)
-- ''Dark here." (Yes, because you broke the night light.)
-- "Train. Build it, Papa."
-- "All done."

We gotta give the kid credit.

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