Sunday, July 19, 2009


Writing about firsts, I need to document the first movie Jackson saw at the movie theatre. Bolt was our first attempt in Brisbane, but Jackson opted not to actually enter the theatre, maybe he really only wanted to popcorn and blue Gatorade after all. (Because he readily excepted the DVD copy of Bolt he received while visiting his Great Aunt and Uncle and watched it continuously that weekend, which they will attest to. 

So on a sunny April afternoon, Jackson, Grandma and Grandpa P., and I saw the Pixar film Up at the Pekin cinema. Although Jackson requested I go too, he was ready this time, walking right in to the theatre. The screen held his attention for (most of) the entire movie. He couldn't even be pulled away to the potty (very typical three-year old boy). 

This was, in my opinion, the best of the Pixar films, although be warned it really is pure chick flick. Smart on their part as I am sure mom' make up the majority of these audiences. Grandma P. and I were bawling through our 3-D glasses, and even Jackson was silent during these heart wrenching parts of the movie, as if he understood the messages. When asked, Jackson said his favorite parts of the movie were "the dog and the bird." So see, there is something for everyone. 

The only real downfall was that we chose to go to a 3-D showing, and Jackson found wearing the glasses a real annoyance (as did I) and left them off. When we left the theatre, Grandma wondered if that made him dizzy. When Jackson threw up later that afternoon, I think that was confirmed. From now on, we will keep those glasses on.


"Mama, what am I going to learn tomorrow?"

"Yes. It is fun, Papa." 

"Where am I going today?" 

"It not a long time, Mama."

We have a new man is the house. One who loves preschool!  Our previous experience with "school" in Brisbane makes it almost unbelieveable the above comments were made by Jackson in regards to school. We are so happy for him that he had such a great time attending a summer camp at the preschool he will begin attending this fall the past two weeks. (Especially his "nerdy" mom -- referred to by Drew -- who still wishes she could be in school.) We knew this day would come, and are so glad he now says goodbye with smiles and kisses instead of tears. (Although how I may have a different issue -- on the last day of camp it was Maeve who started crying when Jackson left us. She -- always believing she is older than she really is -- seems to think she is ready for school at 15 months.) 

Jackson may just be turning a corner as he also the past week to go to swimming lessons, ran at full speed over to a neighbor's for a play date on his own, and jumped onstage at a kids' concert without any encouragement. All this just confirms that with Jackson, he is ready when he is ready. So we remind ourselves to wait, be patient and let him enjoy life at his pace. In the meantime, we are just loving the new art by Jackson school is delivering!